Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Elements of Storytelling

When is comes to the relationship between digital story and the user are based on five aspects. Linearity which is the order the content can be accessed. If the story is nonlinear is allows the user to choose the order they want. Linear means the stories are already decided and move along in the order already made. Customization allows the user to personalize the content. Standard does not allow for anyone to customize the contents. The next one is calculations; fist you need user input then the results are tallied, like a vote. Non-calculation stories do not need tallies. Manipulable allows the user to move around the materials on the site. If it is set it can not be changed. Appendable stories allow the content be appendable by the user. Finite do not allow this by the user.

There are four types and combination of media; configuration, type, currentness and time/space. Configuration is relationship with media in the story. Type shows the medium to tell the story. Currentness shows synchronous or asynchronous. Time/space shows the editing of the content. There are three types of configuration; single medium, multiple media and multimedia. Single medium only one medium is used to tell a story. Multiple media allows for two or more types of media used for the story package. Multimedia is two or more media types woven together. There are seven types of media; graphic, motion graphic, video, animation, text, photo and audio. Recorded currentness is delayed from the time it was captured. Live currentness content is delayed without delay. Time and space has two branches; real-time and edited. Real-time is shown in its entirety and edited has been made by content developer.

The element of action is described in the best way I believe. The examples and explanation of how online has pop-ups and flash animation compared to a human turning a page or a video being in motion. The description about content of action has three categories that websites can go be under; static, dynamic and combination. Static has no movement, dynamic has movement built in and combination has consist of static and dynamic portions. The user action are divided into three categories; passive, active and mixed. Passive is where the user needs to do no action it moves automatically, active requires some clicking but is not a browser function and mixed required active and passive use.

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