Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brittani's Media Pyramid

My Media Pyramid

Philadelphia Inquirer, evening news
In-theatre movies, DVDs, cable channel movies,
The Albrightian, morning television shows
AOL news,, Glamour magazine, books for
pleasure, primetime network television, talk on the phone
Cosmopolitan magazine, school textbooks, the radio, Pandora radio
Text message, Facebook, i-pod, e-mail

When I look at my media pyramid I admit I am somewhat ashamed of myself for not absorbing
more beneficial material. Overall, most of the media I consume on a daily basis barely provides me with any fruitful knowledge. I would claim my textbooks for my classes, are the only media
that I consume regularly that supply me with information besides gossip, the newest fashion trends, and photos of my friends. On the other hand, I actually enjoy reading books for pleasure and watching the evening news but many times with my busy schedule I find that I hardly have anytime to pick up a book for fun or watch the news without feeling guilty. I tend to feel guilty if I am reading a book that I am interested in if I am already two chapters behind in my school readings. The same feeling occurs when it comes to going to the movies and watching television. Even with a busy schedule I believe that I should still make time to catch up with local and worldwide news to become a more educated individual in general.


  1. Although you may be ashamed of your media pyramid, it is very similar to mine as well. When it comes to reading or being involved with political and news worthy events they do not seem as entertaining as watching tv or reading a book that you enjoy. With life being as busy as it is it seems like the important facts fall to the side so that there can be more enjoyment instead

  2. I found it interesting that you posted alot of the same things, in a lot of the same places as I did. I noticed that you, like me, put Facebook and your ipod together, in the last level. Facebook and my ipod have slowly (and sadly), become the centers of my life! Also, your comment about books, is how I feel about them. Books are at the top of my pyramid. I hardly read them anymore, not because I don't like to read (I do), but because I hardly have anytime to do that. And the extremely rare times that I do, I find myself feeling guilty that I actually like reading them more than my school books. Like you, I also ove reading and watching the news, even though they are put at different places in my pyramid than yours. That happened alot; we have quite a few similarities, but they are just positioned at different places in our blogs, which I found pretty interesting.
