I read the media pyramid article. It makes sense to me, but I still need a way to work out how to make my pyramid. If this it to be analogous to the food pyramid, maybe I ought to understand similarities/differences between the pyramids.
Most importantly, the food pyramid is a visual representation of food a healthy consumer should eat. My media pyramid is a visual image which reflects media I actually consume.
The first layer represents food a healthy person should consume in relatively large quantities. My first layer will represent media I consume most. I will include media I consume daily. I won't include those I just glance at. Rather, I will include those I read, watch, or listen to with concentration, focus, or effort on a consistently daily basis.
Each subsequent layer represents food a healthy person consumes in relatively smaller quantities. My second layer will include media I attend to every day, but do not consume with focus.
Media in my 3rd layer will include those I consume less than once a week, but several times throughout any given month. My fourth layer will include media I consume several times a year. I might not see/listen to/read this media in a given month.
If I am not sure where to include media, I will also consider whether the information I am exposed to becomes part of my social conversation, impacts decisions, or provides additional thought.
Although I won't post my general response to the article until all student posts are online, my response post will include my interpretation of the main arguments of the article and my position on their validity. I will include examples from my own life or those I have read about or observed.